As the blue winter ends and the warm red shades of spring and summer are welcomed by Virginians, the agonizing screams of the left wing progressive blue blogs can be heard over the roar of Virginia’s rivers, swollen by the melting remnants of what the left calls global warming. But these cries are not because Virginians and most Americans are seeing the lies and venom of the left, no indeed.
These are the howls of left wingers that were hoping Northrup-Grumman would relocate it’s Headquarters to Maryland. Or more correctly, anywhere but Virginia.
Sour grapes make a bitter whine. They were all hoping Bob McDonnell would fail. The claws and knives were sharpened, hoping that the Defense Industry giant would find anyplace else a better option. So, fresh from blaming the McDonnell Administration for the West Virginia mine explosion, the Iceland Volcano and the Gulf of Mexico oil platform explosion, these mentally challenged bloggers keep the laughs at their expense coming. It really takes a lot of pluck to be so filled with hate.
If you follow blue blogs, you know the ones I am talking about. (If you don’t, just google racist lowell feld and you will find over 43,000 links to them.) Like a chorus of hacking, mucus filled coughs, the Blue Blogs have turned Green with envy at the successes of the McDonnell Administration.
They were hoping for McDonnell and Virginia to fail.
There is no doubt that Bob McDonnell’s pro business policies, which the left has criticized relentlessly, are the reason businesses want to locate in Virginia. And the knowledge that Attorney General Cuccinelli will protect Virginia businesses from the overreaching Federal intrusions are a value added comfort.
Gone are the left wing policies that put companies like the Henrico County Qimonda plant into bankruptcy.
Bob McDonnell has proven Virginia is now open for business!
Article written by: Tom White
About Tom White
Tom is a US Navy Veteran, owns an Insurance Agency and is currently an IT Manager for a Virginia Distributor. He has been published in American Thinker, currently writes for the Richmond Examiner as well as Virginia Right! Blog. Tom lives in Hanover County, Va and is involved in politics at every level and is a Recovering Republican who has finally had enough of the War on Conservatives in progress with the Leadership of the GOP on a National Level.
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